Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Demise of Ariel and Other Pool Tales.

Here it is. The last time Makayla got to play in her Ariel floatie. Doesn't she look so happy?
Ok, well maybe not in this picture, but we were having fun! The next time we were at the pool we went with some family friends that were visiting. They have a 10 year old Mikayla. I guess when we said it was Makayla's floatie, we should have been more specific with which Makayla we were referring to. 10 year old Makayla got in the floatie that has infant leg holes.
Suffice it to say, Ariel did not like this at all. And being the fiery red-head that she is, she threw a fit and split a seam. 3 seams to be exact.
You will be missed.
I don't have the heart to throw her away. Don't tell Jordan. I packed it at the bottom of a box so he wouldn't throw it away either.
So I guess I really DO have to make the move to life preserver for Makayla in LA anyway. Now that she is floatie-less :-(
Also the one time I was smart enough to bring a bottle for her so that I could get some much needed sun and lay for a little while...
This is what was above me.
For an hour.
Yes every where else in the sky looked like this.
And Makayla actually laid there for an hour of peace! And I got no sun

Later that day Makayla hurt her leg. I'm not sure how, but it was the first time I've ever seen her limp.
So she got to lay on the couch and have a free-for-all-bottle-day while her leg was warmed with the water bottle (I am so glad I bought it!)
Is this a sad picture or what?
My poor little hurt baby!


  1. oh, that post is so sad!! first, i loved that floaty! but, even more sad is that poor girls leg. it does hurt my heart to see that picture of her. hope she's okay now!

  2. That is so funny that you packed it... that is totally something I would do!
