Friday, August 21, 2009

Love This Kid!

So I haven't done a bragging post in a while. And I figured with all the new things Makayla has been doing, it was about time!
She talks so much more these days! In the morning before we get up we can hear her talking to herself and playing with her puzzles in her room. She has a little wooden animal puzzle and she makes them talk and roar at each other as the gallop around the room! So cute!
Jordan passed a garage sale yesterday and found Alladin & Pocahontas dolls for $1! So of course he brought them home for Makayla. He sent a picture with his phone before he got home and Makayla would look at the picture of them and say "whoa!" It was so cute, and ever since he brought them home she has carried them around everywhere with her. She sets them down in sitting positions and then lays down in front of them on her stomach and whispers to them! Oh I need to get a video of it and post it! It is SOOOOO adorable!
She can also recognize herself now and kind of says her name. Well, she thinks it's her name, really she just says "Nay-nay" in a very nasally voice. I don't know why, it barely even sounds like Makayla. She can make the "m" sound and the "k" sound very well, but somehow that translated into "Nay-nay" strange! If she sees a picture of herself she can point to it and say "Nay-nay" She also points to other people too.
Grandma (both sides!)
Aunt Stacey
Aunt Krystal (whom she always calls Kurt for some reason)
& Evalyn
On sunday we were in the car waiting for Jordan and I kept yelling to him to come to the car because he was just walking outside on the phone. Then Makayla from the back seat yelled out "Jordan!" We were laughing so hard! But it worked! He got in the car after that :-)

Yesterday it rained pretty hard so we played inside. We took all of the couch cushions off the couches and laid them on the floor and flopped around on them. She had a blast!

She also loves getting into my yarn and fabric. Here she is trying on all of the baby hats that I've made. But she only found one that would stay on her head! So I'm making her a hat now that she can play with.
Whenever I try to pack, Makayla is right there to "help" She hands me whatever she can reach and says "there you go" and she brings me boxes when I ask. Although one time I asked her to bring me a box and after a few minutes of her not coming back I went to see what she was up to. This is what I found.
The best part was she was going "vroom, vroom" like it was a car! She comes up with the most amazing things! She definitely picked up the "vroom" noise from her cousin Andrew! He is the only one who has ever played cars with her! It's so amazing what kids pick up on and what they retain! It's been almost 2 months since she has even seen Andrew!
She can climb up onto almost anything! Momma & Daddy's bed, the toilet (we really have to keep the bathroom doors shut now!) chairs, the couch... whatever is taller than her she is climbing on.
She grabs anything that is small and square and talks into it like a phone. She wanders the house sometimes talking to her "phones" that she finds. But as soon as someone else on the other end talks back, she gets nervous and hands the real phones back! Except when it's her Daddy on the other end, she'll talk to him and listen to him :-)
She still loves the pool, but doesn't love her floaty as much. She would rather swim "on her own" in the pool and when you put her in it she'll say "no, swim"
In the morning when I ask her what she wants to wear she almost always says "suit!"
She is such a mimic! And it's getting more apparent the more we can understand her! But she is so much fun to watch. Everyday she does something new and interesting that has Jordan and I going "did you see that?" I love it! I love this stage! And I absolutely ADORE my little girl! I couldn't ask for a better daughter. She is so well behaved, and complacent. She still goes to movies with us (we saw "The Goods" just last weekend and she sat through the entire movie on my lap, or Jordans)
She loves finding other babies, and will fight to go see them, but as soon as she's there, she just looks down at the ground! She is back in a shy phase I think. But at least she gets over it a lot faster than when she was little.
She will listen to my belly now and point to it and say "baby" It's very cute and I can't wait for her to be a big sister. She is going to be great at it! We bought her a little bottle and diaper for her dolls and she takes very good care of them, laying them out in a row and feeding them one at a time. She'll even hand me the baby and a blanket so I can wrap them up for her!
I could seriously talk about all the neat things she does for hours. She amazes me everyday and makes me proud to be her Mom.
I love you Makayla Maureen Paxton! And I am so thankful you are part of our family!


  1. seriously, she makes me wanna' have kids. but, then i see other babies crying or whining, and it's back to the thought of "no kids for the plaksiy family"!! she truly is a great little girl. btw, i love the "jordan!" yell! ha! whatever gets the husband to the car, i guess.

  2. Hi Naomi--
    Email me:
    and I take your order. Sometimes etsy is tricky cuz you have to create an account with them and through paypal. You can just write me a check if that's easier. I love the all pink/white tutu. It's one of my favorites. And I can definitely do a headband to match! Thanks!!
