Thursday, September 10, 2009

No Internet :-(

Unfortunately we have no internet in our apartment right now, and though we are working on that.... it hasn't been finished yet.
I know, I know. I'm going through blogging withdrawls! Unable to read, unable to update, unable to see all the fun new crafts people are doing!!!! AHHHHHH!!!
But the leasing office here DOES have computers so I am doind a VERY short update before I go to the pool to get a little sun, before Jordan brings Makayla out and I am unable to get anymore sun :-( But I DO enjoy playing with her at the pool. Without a floatie it's a little...intense. They do have some nice stairs for her to play on, but then she gets excited, stands up and says "two" which means "one, two, three, JUMP!" and then she does....jump I mean. ZOINKS!

Anyway, so packing up and leaving Ohio was CRAZY busy and seemed to take up tons of time, which was ok because it was cloudy and rainy almost everyday before we no more pool for us!
Then it was up EARLY one morning and off to the airport for a 3 hour flight to Denver (we had the entire row to ourselves!) , a 1 hour layover, then a 2 hour flight to Salt Lake (had an extra seat and then a sweet old lady who was going to see her 18 month old granddaughter, so she loved makayla climbin on her and giving her hugs! thank!) with a TWO hour layover waiting for the shuttle to take me up to Rexburg :-P The shuttle comes every 2 hours and I missed the other one by TEN WHOLE MINUTES!
Oh well, Makayla was actually excited to stretch her legs and run around. Because then it was a 4 1/2 hour ride up to Rexburg! Whew! Luckily the bus driver was nice and at every stop let us get out if we wanted.
Makayla did GREAT the whole time! And when we got to Rexburg there was...
My siste Krystal and her daughter Evalyn!
My Mother!
My brother Sam!
My brother John, his VERY pregnant wife Heather and her mom!
We played in the grass for a bit then headed home for food and fun!

I know, I have a TON of pictures from this trip, but they are all locked on my computer with no internet :-( So imagine a fun filled trip that I will TOTALLY post about later, because...

Kate Marie Hitchcock was born August 31st @ 8:26 pm (after 6 1/2 hours of labor mind you!)
She is SO precious and has a FULL HEAD OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR!
Unfair, they can already use hair clips on her! What?

Anyway, not to mention all the fun I had with my family!
So that's another post for when I get pictures.

Now I am in LA...that's LOS ANGELES!
We are having a blast! I haven't even been here for a week and we have already done SO much!
The beach! (2.5 miles away!)
A Dodgers game!
Downtown Disney
Hollywood Blvd
Walking everywhere (that's right folks I broke down and bought a stroller, LOVE it! We walk about 3-8 miles a day here in the HOT HOT sun, so it is totally worth it!

Anyway I will definitely be posting a LOT more later and catching everyone up on our fun, fun lives here. Because SO muchis happening!
Jordan is doing great with sales, so are the other Akron boys. I love having a friend here (Lauren) and she is a super trooper for walking everywhere with me! Thanks!
Makayla is having a blast and everytime we try to go out the door she hops into her stroller and starts saying "weeee!!!!"
Of course once she's outside she wants to hop out and look at all the flowers everywhere!
It is so pretty, so HOT and so much fun here! I wish all of you could come visit!
Well, if you want to I won't mind! We have an extra bed!
And besides, we found out roundtrip tickets to hawaii from here are$200!!!!! What? So I think we maybe will go, how about you?
Not to mention we are 2 hours drive from Mexico!
Also 30 minutes from Disney!!!!
10 minutes from the beach (yeah, traffic!)
And a short walk to a LOT of other things!
So I will try to keep you posted, but it's no fun without pictures :-(


  1. I know what you mean! Max has the laptop with all the pictures!! blog will get updated when he gets home. Makayla is getting so big. It's fun that you are in LA! I have never been there but I WILL make it there one day. I'll be copying a lot of your links when I get back into the blog swing. I love that you have a link to Petit Bateau :) Glad you are having such a great time!

  2. No internet stinks but it sounds like your having a wonderful, wonderful time! Can't wait until you are able to post pictures.

  3. all i've got to say is JEALOUS!! it sounds like a blast! but, i must admit, it is super nice being home and getting things in order. we can actually paint and hang things w/out having a count down in our heads of when we need to pack again. woot woot!! anyway, have fun down there. i really hope you make it to hawaii on those prices and we are SOOO getting together more in washington!
