Monday, August 10, 2009

Too hot for babies, mommas and toddlers!

So while knocking the other day, Jordan met a member of the grounds crew at the Cleveland Browns stadium. He told us about Family Fun Day, where everyone got in free. It was a scrimmage between the Browns, and the...Browns (Whites) It was really REALLY neat to be able to go. We got to sit 8 rows from the front on the 1st Yard line!!!! Then we sat 5 rows up, then 1. (we moved a lot)
Although I didn't really know any of the players Jordan told me we got to see their 2 quarterbacks play. #3 & #10. #3 used to be the 1st string, then 10 bumped him out! But they are always battling for it. So it was fun to watch.
Problem was, it was SOOOOOO hot! Like the hottest day of the summer so far I think! It was not the type of whether a pregnant woman and a toddler should be out in! But we did a lot of walking in the cooler tunnels, and there was quite a few little air-conditioned rooms that had tv's in them so we spent a lot of the game there while Jordan braved the heat.
Makayla was so cute (when not crying from the heat!) and fed Jordan popcorn, without even looking back! She would grab a handful for her mouth, then grab a handful for his and reach back for him to eat it :-) I love my family. They are adorable!
We were so close to Lake Eerie I just wanted to jump in! But unfortunately we were at the port, not the beach part and Jordan just wanted to go home (Eerie is the only Great Lake I haven't swam in!)
But we did hit the swimming pool when we got home! It was still so hot that we didn't care that the pool was freezing!

When we got home I stripped Makayla, laid down the towel so I could put a diaper on her. I said "Ok, lay down so I can put a diaper on you"
And this is what she did. I couldn't help it. It was so funny! I laughed and took a picture. My little ham!
Another wonderful sunday in Ohio. We only 2-3 left! 20 days here and we are heading to LA! I think I will wait till next week to start packing though. I may just let the house go this week and relax. Next sunday we have a good friend coming up from Orlando (he's from Akron) to visit and I think we will go to Cedar Point with him. FUN!

1 comment:

  1. football? ew! pools on a hot day? YAY!! i love the booty picture of's hilarious! i also love her face in it. it's as if she knows she's doing something hysterical.
