Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why I Love This Man

Ok, so it's not a super picture of him, but let's face it, he hates posing and I can never get a good shot of him anyway! But here he is in the new shirt I bought him after MUCH deliberation. I'm pretty pleased with it. But that's beside the point. I love this guy.
Seriously. I love him.
It is about a 5 hour drive up to the part of Michigan that my grandparents live. And I have been bugging him all summer that we need to go visit them. But after driving and walking around all week, he is always less then thrilled to go on a drive on sundays.
Well here we are down to 2 sundays left (well we were...) and so I told him on the 23rd I was driving up to see them. He said I couldn't have the car because people were coming up to visit and we had to go to the Indians vs the Mariners game. I was a little upset so I just left.
Then the next morning (last sunday) he woke me up early and told me I had to get ready because we were going to miss the start of the game. I got up grudgingly and after about an hour in the car I realized he was driving to a Tiger's game :-) And afterward we went to go see my Grandparents.
What a surprise! Thanks Jordan for driving so far (10 hours total!) just for me! I know there was a ball game thrown in there for bribery, but still it's a long drive for someone who works so hard every day of the week!
It took a while for Makayla to warm up, but then she was her cute little all-over-the-place-and-into-everything self :-)
So cute!
We had pizza and Makayla would slide her piece near the edge of the table and lean forward to take a bite. She couldn't lift the whole slice without it drooping, she is such a little problem solver! I wish I could have gotten a picture of it, it was very cute!
My cousin Missy also got to come up (sorry for the short notice!) for a little bit and it was nice to catch up with her.
It was also, almost as hot as it was during the Browns game we went to and even though we had killer seats for the Tigers (right on the foul line next to the stairs and wall so Makayla could play) it was SOOOO stifling! They gave away bags of ice and we had a LOT to drink, but still it was too hot to be out I think. I told Jordan we should start paying less for seats higher up in the shade! :-P
But it was still a decent game the Tigers lost by 1 run in overtime, but Jordan was routing for the Royals anyway so he was happy even if I wasn't :-)
Since we've been to Commerica Park quite a bit now, we didn't get a family picture, but to be honest I was busy walking around in the shade and hanging out by the elevators watching Makayla play with a little 20 month old boy in the air conditioning to worry about pictures.
It was a great sunday.
So thank you Jordan for driving us up!

1 comment:

  1. i love those little surprises that people do for you!! way to go jordan! sorry it was so hot. i don't know how your pregnant self stayed there through the whole game. what a trooper!
