Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Friends!

Hooray for meeting new people!
Derek's girlfriend Lauren came up to visit him, and since he had to work most of the time I got to spend a lot of time getting to know her. And you know what? She's GREAT!
We went shopping and to Macaroni Grill (my FAVORITE!) And even better, Makayla loved her too! She would run up to Lauren and give her hugs and kisses without even being prompted! It was great to have another set of hands I could trust to run after her and help me entertain her!
On Saturday night we went to Chuck E Cheese's with her (she had never been before!) After a rocky start of dealing with the boys (it was so nice to have someone on my side for a change, no more 2 against 1!) We had a blast riding the rides and playing the games.
Lauren climbed up into the tubes with Makayla. It's getting a little harder for me to maneuver in such small quarters :-)
Makayla loved it up there! She would crawl to each new window and look down to try to find Jordan or I. It was so cute!
Makayla really loved the games where she could drive. She would spin that steering wheel all over and push and pull as many buttons as she could reach. I'm not sure she was really paying attention to the screen though. Stay off the sidewalks in 15 years when she can drive REAL cars!
Jordan & Derek had an all night table hockey tournament. I'm not sure who eventually won...
I don't think they know either :-)
Lauren & I tried to do football tournament...but alas, neither of us were any good at all!
The giant rocking horse is one of Makayla's favorite rides :-) And she loved sitting next to her Daddy until he said "where's mommy?" (trying to get her to look at the camera) and she wanted to climb right out to get to me!
The next day Lauren & Derek went to Cedar Point and Jordan & I went to a Browns game.
But I am excited for post season, and having another "wife" out there I can do things with.
And hopefully BOTH of them will come out next year!
It will be so good to have something to do, and SOMEONE to do it with!


  1. i love mac grill too! it's my favorite! and i completely understand about not being able to chase your toddler through playground equipment. i had to stop taking landon to the park alone, because i didn't want to get stuck!

  2. i agree, macaroni grill is one of our favorite places to eat. but why in the world would you subject your new friend to hell (aka chuck e cheese)? i told my dad he is going to have to be the one who takes our kids to chuck e cheese and baseball games since illya and i hate both!! =)
