Monday, August 10, 2009

Then & Now

So after all of my bluster "I think I'm doing much better this time with my weight..." blah blah blah! I was wearing a shirt I bought when I was pregnant with Makayla and realized I was about as far along with #2 as I was when I bought it. Compare the pictures
Which one is #1 & which one is #2?
So my belly grows fast. What can I say?
I might be a little more depressed about this whole belly thing than I originally thought. Guess I gotta do more pilates!
4 more days and I will be 1/2 way there! It's all uphill from here!


  1. Embrace the belly-you're beautiful!!!! That's all i gotta say! ;-)

  2. I totally agree! You are one hot mamma!

  3. Enjoy that belly while you have it! It's gorgeous! They come out and grow up too quickly.

  4. you may be the same size, but you are an adorable pregnant lady! i love your perfect belly and i can't wait to pet it! (and yes, i will PET it's a cat! =)
