Saturday, August 15, 2009

One Wild Night

So Jordan called to lament yesterday about the fact that his new phone had finally been dropped...well not just dropped, thrown. Apparently he got stung by a bee and threw his phone. :-( Oh well, it had to happen at some point.
About 20 minutes later I get another call. "I'm with Tim, I got some Benadryl, we have to head home now" click!
Ok, no big deal. I can remain calm. It takes about 45 minutes for them to pick everyone up and come home I can be calm. I called a doctor set up an appointment, starting picking up the house, all calmly (while my stomach was doing not the baby, my stomach)
Then I get ANOTHER phone call this time from one of the reps.
"Jordan is not doing so well so we're just going to take him to a hospital up here"
"No" I say, "please just bring him home, I will take him"
"No, it's not a big deal, we're already here"
"What? What is going on? Put Jordan on the phone!"
Jordan- "Hi my name is Jordan. I can't breathe. I took Benadryl."
Me- "Jordan what is going on?"
Jordan- "Hi my name is Jordan, I can't breathe. I took Benadryl"
Then click.

At this point I might be on the verge of hysteria. So I start throwing things into a bag for Makayla, call Jordan's dad so I can calm down, and then call one of the techs to come get me and take me to my husband....who at this point I have no idea where he is because none of the reps will answer their phone.

I drop Makayla off with the Lead Tech's wife and head out for Cleveland trying to get an address of where they took my husband. A very awkward 33 1/2 minutes later we pull up to the ER of a hospital. I go up to the desk and ask for Jordan. They tell me he has the maximum amount of visitors right now, who am I?
I say politely if not a bit strained "I am his wife. They can leave"
So they kicked them out and I went in.
Apparently THIS is what happened.
He got stung by a bee, and started to swell up. So he called Tim (thank you tim!) and asked to knock with him. He found Tim with a customer and asked for Benadryl. At this point he couldn't breathe out of his nose, and his face was all swollen. The customer said they would call an ambulance, but Jordan declined and they headed to a mini mart up the street for benadryl. he got the first pill out but couldn't get the rest because his fingers were swollen. So they headed back to the car.
Then Jordan woke up on the sidewalk next to the car with a large bump on his head a bloody lip and a hurt wrist (aside from the swelling)
They proceeded to pick up the rest of the reps and head to the nearest hospital. And Jordan all the while kept saying "call naomi, call naomi"
I'm glad HE remembered to tell me he was about to die, because his reps sure didn't!
But in the end I made it there safely in time for him to be awake after passing out again. They rehydrated him, gave him epinepherin and whatever else they give to severe allergic reactions...
yeah apparently he is deathly allergic to bees now. Who knew?
The doctor gave him a prescription for an epi-pen that he has to carry around with him if he is outside in the summer time (ha) and told him to avoid being outside in the summer too much (ha) especially where there might be wasps, bees, ect. (HA!) because along with a bee allergy comes the entire host of insect bites. Apparently they all like the same brand of venom. :-P

He only spent 2 1/2 hours in the hospital, then came home and slept for 12 hours. But my stomach is STILL in knots. :-P And I'm not sure if I will recover as soon as he seems to have.

This much I can say for Jordan, he never does anything small!


  1. oh my gosh, that's crazy! I'm glad that everything is ok! and that you're ok! I would have freaked out. You seemed to hold things together well!

  2. oh my gosh! How scary! I'm so glad you made it to comfort him. Wow. What a day. I hope the ER visit wasn't too expensive. We're still paying for Jeff's emergency visit from February. GRRRR.
    But so glad he didn't die or anything!!

  3. i love the part where he had too many visitors, and you throw out,"i'm his wife. the others can leave." good for you! sorry you had such a horrible night. but, at least you know about his allergy now...and, like gi joe said, knowing is half the battle =)
