Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Waiting Place

I feel in a rut.
I have no new projects that are jumping out at me. My only friend this summer drove away this morning :-( The summer is winding down, but not fast. Just the same old daily grind with the added "it's almost over" blues thrown in. I don't want to start making something big that needs to be packed away next week. I've started packing, but I can't do too much of that either because we still have a week and a half, and we only brought the bare necessities anyway!
I like to plan ahead, but I can't plan too far, because everything is about to change very soon.
So here is what I'm planning, as I wait for...something...then my plans can actually happen.
It's the waiting that I hate.
That's where I am right now.
The waiting place.

Here's what we are waiting for.

Sometime in October we will move to Washington. And we will need a place to live.
Unfortunately most places want you there to tour and fill out paperwork and all that jazz. Well that's dumb! Where do we live while we wait for that? Shouldn't we get a bonus for thinking ahead? But I am in love with the Black Lake Apartments. So I'm hoping that's where we end up. Hopefully they do 6 month leases. I'm still waiting to hear back from them. But they have washer/dryers in their apts, PLUS an indoor pool!
We have also decided that as much as we love our little Kia Spectre, it won't fit everything we need in it for next year. PLUS 2 babies. So we need to upgrade. We are keeping the Kia of course, just adding to our auto ownership. Of course Jordan and I can't agree on the type of car to get.
I say, if we just get a compact SUV 5 seater, we will may as well just keep our car. If I'm going to get a bigger car, I want a BIGGER car! I like the Mercury Mountaineer. (below)
However it works out we will NOT be buying ANY cars from any company that was bailed out.
But Ford, Jeep, Mercury & Honda are still great companies that can stand on their own 4 wheels (isn't that part of the democracy?)
Enough politics.

We are also, of course, waiting for this little wonder to be born. The waiting on that drives women nearly insane!

Then there are all of the little things that happen. All of the birthdays this time of year. All the holidays. I can't start Makayla's costume for Halloween yet because I really want to use my sewing machine....and I'm not sure what she will be either.
Thanksgiving, Christmas. My brother's baby to be born, my sister's baby to be born.
MY baby.
Makayla's birthday.
Recruiting for the next season. Selling during the preseason.
Anticipation for another move.....

It's amazing how much waiting you could do if you let your mind dwell on those!
For now I will just wait 10 more days to leave this apartment for the last time.
A trip to see my family should be enough to break some of the waiting. And I am so excited for LA, and Disney, and Lauren and new people!
What a great life I have :-)


  1. i feel your pain. everyone is leaving early here as well. that last week is going to be painful! but, i'll just keep busy w/packing and cleaning, i guess. cute apartments, by the way! can't wait to come up and see them in person!!

  2. I saw this idea and thought of you... would be easy to do with only a few craft items!
