Monday, September 14, 2009

No more months!

Had to do a quick post for Makayla.
Even though right now she is sitting on my lap driving me CRAZY!
Today she is EXACTLY a year and a half!!!!!!
Holy cow! This is the last "half birthday" that we will celebrate :-( Kind of sad. But SO exciting!
She is such an amazing baby and surprises me everyday with something new!
I only have time for one story because it is past her nap time, and we are down at the computer lab.

Ok, maybe more but I'll be brief!

Jordan is in Washington for the weekend and our friend Derek came over to borrow our microwave. He was getting something from the fridge and Makayla ran into the kitchen and hugged his legs. Then she looked up and SCREAMED and ran out to me. I guess she thought Daddy was home and when she realized it wasn't him she started to look all over the house, under cushions, under the couch, in her room, calling for Daddy the whole time! It was so cute (and kind of sad, because she never found him!)

She has learned to talk on the phone really well, and copies what Daddy does when HE is on the phone, walking around, nodding and gesturing while she talks to whomever is on the other line! So adorable!

Ok, I really have to go now, But I am hoping to follow up this post with a picture post and show you how much she has grown!
I love my little girl SO much! I feel blessed everyday that I get to be her mother. What an amazing thing!

Happy Year and Half mark! We don't have to count your age in months anymore!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. so, 1 1/2 years is when we stop counting months? i've always wondered! i've actually heard people say their children were 23 months...really? just round it up to "almost 2" people!! anyway, happy 1 1/2 years, mak! oh, i remember when you were just 1/2. man, how time flies, my little friend =)
