Monday, September 28, 2009

a week with no pictures :-(

so i have a few moments to update :-) hooray!
makayla is watching "mickey mouse clubhouse" on my phone and i am sitting in the computer lab with a jug of water (it's SOOOO hot in here!)
we have had a really fun week this week. Last sunday we decided to head over to DisneyLand and spent the day there :-) It was SOOOOOO much fun!
We took Makayla on 'Snow White's Scary Adventure' (she definitely got scared!) & 'Roger Rabbits Cartoon Spin' (also scared her...)
Ok, THEN we realized we needed a few more "young kid appropriate" rides, and she LOVED the Toy Story Ride, the Buzz LightYear Ride, Even though the princesses scared her, she still hugged each of them and said hello, then ran back to the safety of Mama :-)
It was a really long day, and by the end of it all 3 of us were tired, but very happy!
Then on Monday we went to storytime at the Library here in LA, it's about a mile away from our apartments, and everytime I make the walk I am grateful for a stroller!
I bought almost all of the fabric I need for Halloween costumes because when Jordan's mom comes on the 1st of Oct, we are going to a Disney Halloween party!
I'm really excited! We have so many things we want to do when she's here, I don't know how we will fit them all in!
On saturday we went to the RedBull Soap Box Derby! It was a lot of fun watching the crashes, and seeing all the amazing cars people had built! There was even a Wizard of Oz Car! :-)
It was also really hot, and we rode the bus it was a long bus ride, but made me think I might take the bus down to the beach one of these days instead of walking....
anyway, makayla is winding up ready for a nap, so i have to go now. i will keep you updated when i can :-(
i am so excited for Jordan's mom to come! and really excited for all of the things we get to do here and most of all excited to be almost done! Home is sounding really good right about now!


  1. hey!! I've missed all your updates. Glad you were able to locate a computer! We get to go to Disneyland after Thanksgiving. I'm SO excited!! :)

  2. I've also missed your updates but am glad to hear you are enjoying yourself!

  3. it IS great to be done w/ the season and it IS great to be home. but, i am still super jealous over all the fun you guys are having there. you had better have pictures soon, btw!!
