Thursday, November 19, 2009

50 Days till WHAT?

Can you believe there is ONLY 50 days left till my due date?
I say only, because in my mind I keep thinking there is only 5 days left.
How slow time seems to go now!
So here is a post to show myself how fast it really HAS gone :-)
Well.... I will try at least.

Here I am at 3 months.
There must have been an explosion in baby growth that month,
cuz here I am a scant month later at 4 months, and there is a real belly!
AND NOW......
Month 8!
And this is Makayla's new "smile" for pictures. Cute... but I'm hoping it won't be there tomorrow when we get pictures taken at Pennies!
And yes, that is my incredibly.... "blossomed" belly.
It's huge. I don't know when it got so big, but it did.
And boy, do I feel it! Is it true there is still over a month left?
That I may still get BIGGER?
In the meantime I am reveling in the fact that I get this adorable little girl all to myself for the next month. And SHE gets ME all to herself too!
I love her.


  1. I love seeing your preggo belly! SO cute-- what a fun post! 50 days, wahoo, on the countdown now!! I can't seem to remember what you are having: boy or girl?

  2. it's funny how you think, "i can't possibly get any bigger" and then that baby inside shows you who is boss and gets bigger! hehe. hang in there. it will come, even if it feels like it never will. when i was prego w/ ky is just seemed like he would NEVER come. but he did. hehe. :-)

  3. you are the cutest preggo momma EVER! :)

  4. naomi, you are such a cute pregnant lady!! i know you must feel big and icky, but you truly are adorable! well, that and you make beautiful babies. i can't wait to see you and the new paxton baby!!
