Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The magic of Goodwill

Jordan is the master at finding Lego cheaply. No really, you should see his stash, a MASTER!
And because of this, he often finds Duplo too! So we started collecting Duplo before we even had kids, now that Makayla is old enough to play with them, SHE has quite the stash of Lego also! Crazy! Our living room sometimes seems half full of Lego! :-P

Jordan found this Duplo table at Goodwill for $2!!!! Can you believe it? What an amazing find!
He also found a red Duplo truck at the garbage, so we brought that home, and cleaned it up! It's huge! Makayla can even ride in it (not that it ever works out very well for her)
It's awfully cute though to watch Jordan and Makayla build together.
Thanks Goodwill, for having cheap Lego.

1 comment:

  1. why ARE legos so expensive?! i have never understood that. but, they are an amazing toy. i still think you need to do a lego themed party for jordans birthday!
