Monday, November 16, 2009

Just for Krystal.

So about 2 years ago Jordan & I were visiting Krystal & Kurt (1st time I got to meet Evalyn!) and we stopped at a Taco Time on our way to see some geysers down in Pocatello.
It was there that Jordan made the cardinal sin of telling one mother that her baby wasn't as cute as another's baby.
That's right. At Taco Time there was a little girl eating a burrito and smiling at everyone.
Jordan said..
"She is the cutest baby I have ever seen"
(& me, I emphatically disagreed! After all my little niece was decidedly MUCH cuter!)
Krystal was very gracious (as she always it) and took it all in stride.
But from that day on Jordan decided that it was the burrito that made that little girl so adorable. So it has been on our agenda to go to a Taco Time as soon as he deemed Makayla was old enough to be cute eating a burrito.
Well my friends...
That day finally came. We headed on over to our local Taco time and got Makayla a burrito.
And indeed. She was absolutely adorable.
Even when her daddy put a "hat" on her head.
I still say the best part was her setting her burrito down and taking drinks from the straw in her milk jug. TOO CUTE! But whatever, she's adorable :-)
MUCH cuter than that baby at Taco Time.
And Evalyn is my very close second


  1. so cute! i agree-she is so cute eating her burrito! it looks yummy (can you tell i'm on a diet, haha)

    such a funny story!

  2. by the way, can you eat some ice cream and brownies for me? live up being prego!

  3. Yes!! Makayla has finally graduated into "the cute group". You and I knew she was there the whole time. She definantly beats out old what's her name...Makayla is way cuter!
