Monday, November 30, 2009

Why TLC makes me cry.

A Baby Story.

Need I say more?
NO pregnant women should watch this show. Really.
A lot of things to stress you out, they always have SOME problem, even though the babies are always all right.
Then there is the pain that you see the mothers go through.
The fact that NO women looks gorgeous while in labor.
The fact that they pull those gross little purple blobs out and EVERYONE starts crying (especially me on the couch at home) and I make Makayla come give me a hug. She obliges, but is ready to be done with the hug before I am. Thank goodness she puts up with a blubbering mama squeezing her and saying (in very choked up words)
"I love you! (sob) You used to be SO TIIIIINY (sob, sob) I remember when you were SO small!"

Yes, I know. It's horrible.
But really, there's nothing else on at this time of day, and Makayla likes to watch the babies.
As soon as she sees the pregnant women waddling and talking to the cameras, she stops what she's doing and says "baby!" then crosses her legs and sits on the floor to watch.

I cry for every episode.
I am always on edge.
I am always MUCH more afraid to have a baby after I watch.
And somehow I can't stop.

Oh and for an update on MY little bundle.
Tomorrow (way earlier than necessary) we have an ultra sound.
We will not be finding out the sex, we will still surprise you with what "it" is after the birth.
We have a TENTATIVE schedule for the cesarean birth, so the little timing ticker on the side of my blog is wrong. The baby will be here sooner than that.
Hopefully sooner than the schedule too. I would MUCH rather go into labor, than walk into the hospital and say "cut me open doc!"
But such is life and we will see what happens.

By the way, panic has set in.
Jordan and I felt MUCH more ready for Makayla, than for this baby.
Let me explain.
When Makayla was born,
we had no crib.
we had no home of our own.
we had very little money.
we were all by ourselves (both our families lived on the other side of the country)
we didn't have very many clothes, blankets etc... for a baby.
we had planned on going shopping for the baby that weekend... but were surprised with a baby instead.
we had to stop at Target on the way home from the hospital to get needed baby supplies.
(yes people judge you when you bring a 2 day old baby into Target)

And yet SOMEHOW we felt prepared to become parents THEN.
NOW we are in a state of panic.
We HAVE a crib.
We HAVE LOTS of baby clothes (male and female)
We've already had ONE baby, we can survive another.
We have the car seat, crib (all set up), blankets, food bottles, baby equipment etc...

You hear that little baby?
Please wait. I'm not ready. In fact if we could just rewind, I might be a little too panicked for you to come this year. See you in a few. I don't mind being an elephant.
(I actually do. Pregnancy... not fun)

Yes, panic has set in.

I'll post pictures later...when I get my camera back.
When we get pictures of the ultrasound.
When I have more to say on the subject.
Thanks for putting up with me :-)


  1. i hear ya on the TLC baby story. i haven't seen that in ages though!

    and about the being ready thing, you little one is just laughing at you and saying, "ready or not, here i come!" :-) Good luck w/ everything! You are in my prayers!

  2. Can I just say you are hilarious?! I was cracking up reading that and seriously, remember feeling the exact same way this time last year! The baby story sobbing and the panic... don't worry you will do great! The second you hold your perfect little baby boy/girl in your arms, the anxiety will go away.
    p.s. haven't watched an hour of baby story since Jackson was born. Pretty soon you won't have time for daytime t.v! :)

  3. haha, yeah I ALWAYS cried watching a baby story. ha! I cry at those damned pampers commercials, so yeah, watching a new mom always had me in tears, long before the baby came :) Man, I'd forgotten how much I LOVE your blog :) You always make me smile.
