Saturday, December 5, 2009

Chubby Cheeked Cherub

I know, the anticipation is palpable!
We had our ultrasound on wednesday and the result is...

We are having a.....


You totally thought I would tell you didn't you!
Sorry. Can't tell what I don't know myself.
Guess we will all have to wait for the "big reveal"
Less than a month away now!
But here is a sneak peak.
Aren't those the fattest cheeks you've ever seen?


  1. Oh the suspense is killing me? How do you do it?!!! I can't wait until that little cutie is born! p.s. send me your address so I can get a special gift over to you soon!!

  2. you're killing me!! just find out, will ya'?! no, really, good for you for holding out. i for one will not being doing that...if we ever have children!! i will be finding out the sex the minute they are able to tell. btw, he/she does have some mighty chubby cheeks!
