Friday, December 18, 2009

Where has all the time gone?

Just realized...
my cesarean birth is scheduled for January 4th.
That's 16 days away.
I haven't gotten a "take home" outfit yet.
I haven't packed for the hospital.
I don't have little clothes and diapers set out.
(I wouldn't even have diapers if Krystal hadn't given me some!)
The babies "crib" is full of Makayla's toys and blankets.
The living room is still a mess.

I feel panic setting in.
I think I need to go make a list.

I have another appointment on Tuesday...
Then Christmas crazy!

One more appointment
Then new years and clean up from Christmas

(insert Star Wars Darth Vador theme here)

Need to go make a list.


  1. Good luck with everything--everything will go fine. Just get some good ole nesting time in and get your hubby to help you--I'm excited for you to have 2!

  2. breathe, honey...just breathe! you're so much more prepared this time. you'll be fine. i can't wait to see the baby!!
