Friday, December 25, 2009

I know, I know...

For those of you waiting with bated breath for new words and pictures to be posted, I am VERY sorry you have had to wait so long :-P
No excuse really...
OK well, Makayla DID get pretty sick... but I could have posted before this. I just have not uploaded pictures from my camera to the computer in a LONG time. So I have waited.
Here they are you patient people!
News from the Paxton universe!

Jordan and I recently were able to travel out to Idaho to visit with my family. What was supposed to be a 3 day trip, turned into almost a week! But it was SOOOOO great!
I got to meet my new nephew Reuben in person! Exchange presents with my family and play in the snow. Lots and LOTS of snow! Hooray!
Here are a FEW pictures from that trip.
From left to right...
Me, Makayla, My Mom, Evalyn & Krystal.
Evalyn and Makayla were so cute together playing in the snow! I was so excited to be able to use Makayla's new snow suit too! (especially since there has been no snow in WA!)
Krystal and I pulled them around a couple of times on a sled. The bump with Krystal is Reuben wrapped up nice and toasty in the baby sling. The big black bump is baby number 2, getting bigger!
She didn't look very happy on the sled, but when we brought her inside, all she wanted to do was go back outside in the snow! Too bad her Mommy was FREEZING!
Plenty of piano playing, who knew Makayla and Evalyn have an ear for music? After hearing Krystal and Evalyn sing Jongle Bells once, Makayla walked around the house singing "Jingle bells, jingle bells"
Look how much little Kate has grown! She is such a little doll too! I love her hair! SO jealous! 3 months old and she has more hair than Makayla had at 1 YEAR!
Bouncing on the trampoline with Grandma!
Here's "Uncle" Jordan helping swaddle Reuben! He's so good with babies! It was definitely good practice for us to be around an infant again!
And here's the little guy in the cutest ever flannel shirt! I love it!
At the arcade Makayla & Evalyn got to shoot basket balls...
Evalyn definitely won this round, maybe in a few years Makayla will be able to beat her though :-)
We had lots of fun hanging out with cousins and family. I am so grateful for the family I have! They are wonderful!
And I am also so excited that it keeps growing and GROWING! Kids make everything so much more fun I think :-)

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! Kids make (almost) everything more fun! especially the holidays, I can't imagine having Christmas morning w/out kids around, they really bring the "magic" to the holidays :)
