Friday, January 22, 2010

A Day At The Park

This is the old Brewery in Olympia. It has been empty for years now, which is really sad because now it is just rotting away and can't be used for anything.
Too bad because it would be SUPER fun to buy it and rezone it into a house!
Oh well, some random person owns it and is just letting it rot, until it rots away though it is pretty to look at!
And right across the river is a really cool park too! So on a rare sunny day in Washington we decided to meet Jordan's brother & his family at the park!
Here is Jordan and Makayla looking for ducks.
And the really cool little train thing-a-ma-jiggy-wopper that the kids could ride on.
From a distance, Jason in the crow's nest (the kids were a little scared to go down the big slide by themselves) Stacey at the bottom catching Andrew, with Makayla next to him.
It was a little colder than I had hoped, but it was SO nice to be outside and playing. And the kids really loved it too. Well... maybe not Oscar, he really just slept through the whole thing wrapped in his snow suit. Sorry, no pictures of that.

1 comment:

  1. that is a pretty building--start saving Naomi--it'll be yours someday. :-)
