Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fast, if not healthy ;-)

So after 2 pregnancies I've decided the fastest way to lose a majority of your baby weight is to get really REALLY sick right after you have the baby ;-)
Doctors do NOT approve this method however.
And in all reality... neither do I.
But now that I am feeling a little better, it is kind of nice to think that while I still can not exercise (stupid c-section!) I don't have as far to go any more!
Yep, the tested and true, starve-yourself-due-to-an-illness-trick, works every time!
I gained 28 pounds when I was pregnant with Oscar (much better than the 60 with Makayla!)
And I've already lost over 20 lbs of it! This is me, wearing NO MATERNITY CLOTHES AT ALL!
Crazy, I know.
I still look a little drugged, because... well I AM still pretty drugged. But those drugs should be out of my system by tonight, so I get to try nursing again.
Aside from unhealthy weight loss, I am actually REALLY excited to start working out soon. I am planning on trying a new tool called "Nextfit"
It's a personal internet, headset trainer and I am REALLY excited to try it out!
I'll be getting mine in the next couple months, and I'll be sure to blog all about it :-)
But until then, if you want to know more, OR if you want to try it for yourself,
check out this website
And if you DO try it out, let me know how YOUR story goes!
Here's to a more fit new year!
(And not having to lose baby weight ever again!)


  1. You do look beautiful! Seriously, hot lady!
    Glad you are feeling somewhat better.

  2. you look great! how did you pull off only gaining 28 lbs. good job! my baby is 6 months old and i still have 20 lbs. to lose--:-( i'm glad you saw a pro about being sick. i'm glad that you are doing better!

  3. Stinkin' skinny! Macie dumped coke on our keyboard earlier in the week and not all the keys worked to comment... so sorry you got so sick! I am glad you are lucky enough to have family close by to help. Good luck with the breastfeeding! Hope he picks it back up!

  4. WOW!!! you look fantastic!! seriously, you did so good this pregnancy. i am so proud of you!
