Friday, January 22, 2010

Family Moments

I love my little family.
They are so sweet all wrapped up like this. I wish I was wrapped up with them too.
But someone had to take the picture.
p.s. I love our weird little couch print too.


  1. Cute little family (and cute that they all match)! Oh, and Macie is almost 18 months old.

  2. Don't you just LOVE having two?! So, I thought I'd let you know that I am now addicted to your blog. I check it multipul times a day, just to make sure I haven't missed anything. (Maybe there is something to being connected) Love you!! Can't wait to see you all very soon. :)

  3. love, love, love the pictures of your cute family. oh, and i love, love, love your family!
