Wednesday, January 20, 2010


His stats at 1 week
7 lbs 3 oz
21 inches

I think I already posted that, but I don't remember.
Here is Oscar and Makayla at their joint doctor's appointment though. Too cute.
Remember back when Makayla had that little problem with her ear drum tearing?
Well, this check up showed that there is some healing going on :-)
Hooray! Now we just have to keep watching it to make sure it heals correctly. But the doctor didn't seem too worried. So I don't think I am either. Her next check up is the day after her birthday. It seems so far away, but it goes so quickly.
Makayla weighed 24 lbs at this doctor's appointment.
I have no idea what % that falls under. But "I" think she is average. People tell me all the time she is "big" for her age, but their kids who are near her in age are always bigger than her...
Hmmm... I think they just want their kids to be small still.
Either way I don't care, she's not too big and she is healthy. So I'm happy.


  1. That's probably a good assessment as to why other people think she is big for her age. I think she looks GREAT!

  2. We just went to the dr. for check ups too!
    So glad you liked the gift. I'm so glad you had a boy! :) Glad the kids are still growing strong!
