Friday, February 19, 2010

The Food of Cancun

Not only did we have some really neat animals to look at... we also had some AMAZING FOOD!
I LOVE Mexican Hot Chocolate. I don't know what they do differently but it's ASTOUNDINGLY GREAT! (p.s. my sister left some mexican hot chocolate at my house when she visited, don't know if it was on purpose, but she is NEVER getting it back, LOVE IT!)

So here are a few high lights, because well... all the food was great.
This is at one of the "reservation" diners. Everything else was buffet style that you could just sit down and eat, but there were a few nicer restaurants that you had to have a reservation for.
Like this amazing (yes, i'm saying that a lot, but it's the truth) Asian place.
This is me, eating Duck.
I've always wanted to try a little Donald, but never have. Just look at how pretty my plate looks, even with a baby bottle next to it!
This is generally how I was eating though, Oscar on one arm. Such a charming date, but a LITTLE clingy if you know what I mean. He just couldn't stand being without me!
Jordan and Makayla. He had green tea ice cream for dessert. Weird!
This is me at the snack bar. Our favorite place to hang out when the sun went down and the shows were over. They called it a "snack" bar, but it had hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, cut up fruit and random other foods... yeah, not so snacky. But it was 24 hours and all you can drink of anything they had so we LOVED it :-)
This is how Makayla ate almost the whole time. She would stack her food up in one place, then unstack it and move it to another place. Maybe she wants to be a chef in some fancy resteraunt where all you get is 2 bites of whatever for $100
Cheese, ham, apples and olives.
She really didn't eat much though. For some reason we couldn't get her to eat this lime green cherry. Yes, that's right CHERRY! It was on Jordan's banana split. Bizarre! But it tasted like a cherry! (cuz it was) I've just never seen a green one!
This is normally how dinner looked.
Please eat Makayla.
The very last day there she actually DID eat, with no prodding from us! We had given up!
This is my VERY good Tiramasu from the Mediterranean Reservation Restaurant. SOOOOO good! And look how pretty they made it! It was for valentines :-)
And yes, that is a crayon in the back ground.
A bottle in one picture, a crayon in another. Can you tell I'm a mom?
And this was Oscar at ALL of the restaurants. Clearly he was unimpressed.
But a great sleeper, nonetheless.


  1. Sounds like a great vacation! I am lucky if I get to Salt Lake twice a year. What does your hubby do for work? You just seem to move lots!

  2. Fun! I can't believe how long Makayla's hair is now!! yay for little girls w/fun hair! :) And don'y worry, Brody does the same thing ALOT when we eat out, or visit anyone. Eventually they'll get hungry! :)

  3. I did leave it on purpose! I'm glad you enoyed it! :)

  4. did you not gain 50 pounds there?! that food looks amazing. btw how did you like the duck? i love it!
