Tuesday, June 1, 2010


ok, so i've been pretty bad about blogging lately, SORRY!
we've just been SO busy!
let me tell you why

oscar has found his belly button.
and he loves to take off his own diaper.
yes, already.
if he is just in a diaper he gets this very focused look on his face...
kind of like the one pictured
and he reaches and swings his little arms wildly while opening and closing his hand until he finally latches on to something and "snap" the velcros undone!
then he does it again to the other side and once both sides are undone he wiggles till he's off his diaper too! little nudist! :-P

he LOVES being in his johnny jumper or excersaucer. anything that means he gets to be upright! not to mention the mirror on both, so he can stare at himself.

i'm running a 5k on sunday with jordan's mom.
and i will say this... probably will be my last one ever.
not a big fan of running. must have forgotten :-)
i will be SO glad when this week is over and i can go back to my normal exercise routine, with maybe a 1 mile run thrown in every once in a while! this getting up early to run for 3-4 miles, NOT FUN! :-P
BUT I did get some cool new kicks out of it!
these are the new retones! LOVE them!
within the first week of wearing them...
well lets just say you should totally see my killer calves now! :-)

We've been going to baseball games.
the tacoma rainers on mother's day
and the seattle mariners last week.
seems like neither kid was that impressed with the mariner moose.
why a moose? i have no idea.

oscar is one of the cool kids now
sporting his sunglasses when we go out
...if there is sun.
this IS, after all, seattle right?

makayla LOVES being outside. any and every chance we get!
she also loves going to the mall, and sometimes wakes up, crawls into bed with me and says "let's go to the mall" as she falls asleep.
my kind of girl!
she is doing SO much better about going to bed... when we are home! :-)
but we go to the library every week to get new books for bedtime.
I LOVE the the fact that i can read books to her now, and they don't have to be short, or cardboard! it is such a cool new step for her!
she is also talking a LOT! it's crazy the things she comes up with!

oscar can now hold things and bring them to his mouth pretty well now.
he can also pick them up himself... sometimes :-)

but if he can get it, it's in his mouth.
his two bottom teeth have officially come in now, but don't stick your finger in to see them or feel them, because he is a CHOMPER! really :-P

makayla is still the coolest kid around. i love dressing her up.
and the fact that she is starting to dress herself, and pick out her own clothes is SO cool!
sometimes i heartily disagree with her choices, but i try to be supportive ;-)
i've decided to start buying a lot more neutral things... that way everything still pretty much matches :-) this is her getting ready to go for a walk, then she climbed into the stroller and fell asleep before i had even finished getting oscar ready!
so we had to delay our walk :-)

yep, it's been a pretty busy month, but i have a feeling june is going to
bring a lot more surprise and excitement for us!
so i'm going to go take a nap to prepare for it


  1. I have been missing you! The diaper thing is hilarious! We have that same Johnny Jumper and Alex HATED it! We finally just boxed it up. Good luck with the 5K. I did one two days after I found out I was pregnant, and I walked almost the entire thing. It took 45 minutes. Whoops.

  2. I can't wait to see you and my Oscar and Makayla again. Time goes so quickly, I can't believe all that those two are doing already. Love you!

  3. Complete with a headband? Adorable! Funny how quickly they grow up, somehow blogging things makes me stop and enjoy the stages as I see them change.

  4. What a cute post!!! what a talented little guy you have--that is hilarious! looks like you might need some duck tape. ;-) and that picture of Makayla is priceless. What a cutie!

  5. hahaha, SOO stinkin cute! Just wait till he figures out there's something inside that diaper of his! Boys haha. :) Makayla is just as adorable as ever, love her little outfit. can't wait till I have a little girl to dress up too :)

  6. my baby is a GENIUS!! taking off his own diaper?! pure genius. and i LOVE the diva sleeping picture. that is totally MY child!
