Friday, September 7, 2012

Moments in Richmond

Here are some random fun things we've been up to this summer all in one post!
Aren't you lucky ;-)

Chick Fil A has a free sundae night! Say what?
Here are Oscar and Makayla digging into their sundae's that THEY got to make themselves 
(they were so proud of themselves!)
Along with their friends Spencer and Addisen

The pool is a summer sales MUST and we went a lot!
I love this picture of Amanda trying to relax IN the pool, 
the kids were like moths to a flame!

Here's Oscar with his friends Spencer and Kayson, all 2!
The kids seemed to love the warm shower area more than the pool sometimes!

I was watching Tessa and Cooper so their mom could run to the store. How nice is it to go to the store without all your kids... seriously! How nice is it that they all decided to take a nap-ish at the same time!

One of the mom's bought a slip and slide for the kids to play on.
Makayla kept waiting for her turn politely, then getting frustrated when everyone else was just jumping in and going for it. It was cute and annoying all at the same time ;-) Poor girl!

I love these kids! We are seriously going to miss all our friends when the summer is over!

One of the wives was pregnant, so when she went into labor I went over and helped entertain her kids at the Jamison's house. Typical Makayla, all the kids watching tv, but there's a baby so she's focused on that! ha! She keeps asking for a baby sister...

I just love this picture of Makayla and Oscar walking down the street in the historical section of Richmond. That's all :-)

Here we are at the famous Church where Patrick Henry gave his speech "Give me liberty of give me death" They do a reenactment of the whole meeting every sunday at 1pm! It was so neat!

I love summers by the pool.

 We also went to the fishbowl downtown to eat one sunday. It was a pretty unique and cute little restaurant

My favorite part of the summer is these three though.
Love them :-)


  1. It is crazy but what I miss most about Texas is the food. And Chick-Fil-A is one of the top things I think about. It was so fun for the kids and had great food that we all liked to eat. I also miss the weather. It is already freezing here!

  2. We went to Chick-Fil-A yesterday in Arizona! It was delicious and the boys loved it! I hope you are doing well. You are a great mom!

  3. You should take off the word verification. It just took me 6 guesses to figure out what it said.

  4. I ran out of room for my pictures in October 2010. I have been using photobucket since then. You create a free account and then upload the pictures and copy the HTML code onto your blog. I actually prefer that to using the blogger photo uploader. Let me know if you have any questions!
